Australia: A Bed in Bondi

Dream of Sydney~
Few of my friends can say that they have traveled across the globe to one of the happiest countries in the world, Australia, second only behind Iceland. I would have to say that I agree, and I say that with a smile. When you first fly into Sydney, Australia, you can't help but notice the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge and think how such a romantic city can be so far away from your everyday reality of Southern California life. I have to admit that as a single twenty-something I fantasized about meeting a hunky Aussie man with his thick accent swooning me as I linger over every word he says and dream about how our kids will all have blue eyes and thick Aussie accents themselves. Snap out of it. No, I did not meet my prince charming, only a handful of Mr. Wrongs, Mr. Just Todays, and Mr. You Looked Cuter Before You Started Talkings! I did find myself on one of the most romantic dates of my life in Darling Harbour with a French man from Paris, whom I met while waitressing in Bondi Beach. Who can say they've done that?

Bondi Beach Bonding~
So where do you go when you need a place to live that's affordable? I highly suggest finding a house where you have "flat-mates". It helps to meet friends quickly, save money and allow for loads of interesting experiences. In the three months I lived in this house on Curlewis St., I shared quarters with a perverted, 40 year-old English man who was recently divorced and going through a true-to-form mid-life crisis, a total of 7 Irish, 2 of which I still keep in regular contact with, and 2 others who were twins and almost burnt the house down! My work was a few block down the street on the beach off of Campbell Parade. Belgian food and Belgian Beer. Finding a job was much easier than I had expected. My suggestion to you girls who tend to turn the heads of most men, get a job waitressing. You will not only make great tips, but you will meet TONS of people doing so.

Public Transportation Rocks~
So the difference between Southern California and Sydney, Australia is that public transportation system actually works! As a matter of fact, we rented a car for the first two weeks of our trip and ended up turning it in early due to the inconvenience of having a car, paying for parking, gas, lack of spaces and the sheer convenience of having the bus stop on our street that picked up every five minutes and took you virtually anywhere you needed to go! Not to mention almost everything we needed was walking distance anyway.

Going Back Someday~

Yes, I am going back to my home away from home someday. If anyone wants to send me a free one-way ticket, by all means I won't turn it down! I lived there from August to November, and it was a life changing experience that I will never forget and long to re-create. Some other must-see places that I didn't get the opportunity to visit before would be the Gold Coast, Melbourne, and Brisbane.

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